Entries tagged personal computing

Make a file executable

Copy the last command ran to a file

Use git via email

Redirect Wikipedia links to https://encyclopedia.marginalia.nu/

GPG: sign file, make detached signature, verify file

git: clone a local repository locally

Simple calculator on the command line

Post a message to your twtxt file with no client

Short roadmap & resources to learn to use LaTeX

Set up and start using GPG with Mutt: sign & encrypt messages

Where to search for answers about usage of GPG?

Copy from xterm to clipboard

Mount, unmount and power-off a LUKS-encrypted volume

Back up LUKS’s header of an encrypted volume

Mount a USB device, e.g. a USB stick or a hard drive

A decluttered, minimal and customised desktop with netinstall Trisquel GNU/Linux

Check if Swap partition is active

Show the total size of a folder recursively with du

Remove metadata from a file e.g. a photo with mat2

Remove all files except one with find and rm

Strikethrough text in LaTeX

Add inline notes with automatic numbering using HTML, CSS and Markdown

Hightlight text using Markdown, CSS and HTML

Browser extensions I use

Check log entries after crash on GNU/Linux with journalctl

List files of a zip archive file without unzipping it with zip

Create a “self-deploying” website (no server to manage) with Codeberg Pages

Git: Push only the last commit to remote

Git: Move all non-pushed commits to a new branch

Git: Only merge the last commit of a specific branch to the main branch

Abook: Show birthdays for the next 30 days

Move message to another folder in Mutt

Log in into a text-based session (tty)

Find out how much memory (RAM) a laptop has with free

Remapping the key Caps Lock as Ctrl on GNU/Linux

Delete all emails at once in Mutt

Git: Select which staged files to commit

Git: Check which branch.es have been merged with the main branch

Sum up a column of numbers in a text file from the command line with Datamash

Test internet speed from command-line interface with speedtest-cli

Git: Add the keyid of a signing GPG keypair to git config and sign commits

Display mailboxes in Mutt’s sidebar

Display Notmuch search results with Mutt

Look up U.S. Zip codes from the command line offline

Less: do not wrap lines - use horizontal scroll to browse full lines

(Solved) Mutt sends an empty email when I click on a mailto: link in Abrowser

Memo: Mutt’s Index flags

Convert text to an ASCII art slanted text banner

Adjust delay between audio and video in VLC

Reverse (flip) the order of rows of a text file with tac

Convert an HTML webpage into a “clean” Markdown file

Curate your own web, search your own web with lieu

Generate a fake list of name, email address, phone number and more with faker

sdcv: an offline dictionary you can query from the command line

Display the conjugation of French and Italian verbs in the terminal

Git: Change the color of git’s output e.g. git diff

Pass the output of french-conjugator (verbiste’s cli) to less

Delete large log files with ncdu - “no space left on device”

Install and run Libretranslate on your computer

Add a dictionary to sdcv (Stardic’s cli)

Look up the definition of a word in a specific dictionary with sdcv

Create a YAML template with variables to pass when compiling a pdf with Pandoc

Run a command on the output of a first command

Increase line spacing when compiling a pdf with Pandoc

Pass sdcv’s output to less

Create a contingency table (a.k.a. cross tabulation) with Datamash

Set up msmtp to queue ‘sent emails’ when you are offline

Highlight current date with Cal (cli)

Find and connect to WiFi networks from the command line with nmcli

Show decimal numbers with bc

Turn a pad into a website with Cryptpad and Codeberg Page (no code)

Change margins when producing pdf files with Pandoc

Display JPEG attachment in Mutt

Remove all git files from a local repository

Guidelines for password management for small and medium organisations

Modify permission to make a Bash script file executable with chmod

Count number of page(s) of one or multiple pdf files with pdfinfo, grep and awk

Cooperatives & non-profits offering email addresses and mailboxes

Delete all your emails at once from ProtonMail’s servers

Remove pages from a pdf file from the command line with pdfseparate and pdfunite

Create and populate a file from the command line with cat

Display a .csv file as a table in the terminal with Visidata

Convert a .ods file to a .csv file from the command line with libreoffice

Send an email from the command line with msmtp

Remove a specific range of files at once from the command line

Convert a PDF to 2 pages per sheet from 1 page per sheet from the command line with pdfxup

Use old programmes

Git: Show changes (diff) that are staged

Add a second email account to your Mutt, msmtp, mbsync configuration

Resize an image on the command line with the utilty convert

Unzip (decompress) and extract files from a .tar.gz file

Remove page numbers when producing a .pdf file using Pandoc

View PDF attachments as text in Mutt

Digital accessibility & inclusivity

Downloads all your emails from ProtonMail with mbsync

Free does not mean gratis: lexical clarifications towards digital literacy

Git: Commit only partial changes of a file

Git: Checkout partial changes of a file interactively

Check for existing SSH keys

List available fonts on a system from the command line with fc-list

Copy a file from your local machine to a remote server with rsync

Indent multiple lines in Vim

Show file permissions on the command line with ls

Append text at the end of a line with Sed

Port (computer networking) cheatsheet

Grep multiple patterns (words) occuring at the beginning of a line

Grep multiple patterns

Cooperatives offering digital technology services

Renew LetsEncrypt certificates & set up auto-renew with cron

Multiply field’s (column’s) entries and sum them up with awk

Sum values per group (of a text/data file) from the command line with Datamash

Memo to change permissions in absolute modes with chmod

You don’t need new apps (or to search the web) to get things done

Convert files to .ogg from .flac from the command line with ffmpeg

On telling others “proprietary software is bad for you”, and the argument of reciprocity.

Show SSH’s key fingerprint

Part 2: Connect to shared server (VPS) using SSH

Show the release (“version”) of the kernel on GNU/Linux

Automatically indent HTML tags in Vim

Add a new website to a server running nginx, LetsEncrypt HTTPS and Certbot

Backup /etc/letsencrypt directory with rsync from remote server to local machine

Prepend multiple files with a pattern with the command line with Bash

Switch default browser from the command line

View content of a tar.gz archive without extracting with tar

Compress multiple directories (folders) with gzip

My .muttrc file

Start using Mutt: a setup with GPG, mbsync, msmtp and notmuch

Git: Change the email address git uses

Set up your own webserver (& webpage) with nginx, LetsEncrypt and Certbot

Remove “Save in password manager” option in GPG pinentry

Uncomment a line with sed (i.e. delete #)

Change the time zone used by date on GNU/Linux

Set up a VPS with Trisquel GNU/Linux NetInstall

[Solved] Permission denied (publickey,password) with correct password

Change root password on GNU/Linux

Undelete a message in Mutt

Show size of a file from the command line with ls or du

GPG: Show the keyID of subkeys

GPG: Show or export GPG public key

Vim: Error “E212: Can’t open file for writing”

GPG: Show the key ID of key used to encrypt

Create and store email aliases for Mutt

Append multiple lines at the end of a file with cat

Set up your own instance of Jitsi

Send an email from the command line with Mutt

Justify text in Vim

Set Mutt to store deleted messages in the trash folder

Check whether a package is installed on GNU/Linux

Check whether a package is availabile in the repository of a GNU/Linux distribution with apt list

Git: Undo the last commit, nothing more

Git: Remove a file from the last commit

Pass the output of the last command as an argument to the next

Mutt: store passwords encrypted with GPG

Exclude files and directories when listing with ls

Find out the license of a programme locally

List directories (folders) only with ls

Show lines below and/or above a match with grep

My current Vim mnemonic sheet

Shortcuts to edit on the command line

Create a permanent alias for a command

Edit and reexecute a command from the shell history with fc

Open all grepped files in vim

Count the number of files grepped with wc

Find files created or modified in the last days with find

Move (cp) all files found with the command find

Count the number of files in a folder with wc

Display the amount of disk space available with df

GPGtar: Encrypt and decrypt a directory with a symmetric cipher using a passphrase with gpgtar

Edit the message of the last commit

Copy a command from the shell history to a file

Copy a command from the shell history to the clipboard

Merge pdf files freely without installing another programme with pdfunite

Convert a pdf to a text file from the command line with pdftotext

Check the version a GNU/Linux distribution from the command line

Git: Create, edit and delete git alias

Commands and shortcuts I use the most in the Shell (the Terminal)

You don’t need a new app for your Zettelkasten

Show local time for a given time and date of a different time zone

Find out what takes up disk space on your computer with ncdu

Git: Squash (combine, merge) git commits together

Generate a table of contents on a pdf document compiled with Pandoc

Increase the font size of a pdf document compiled with Pandoc

Add today’s date automatically when converting a Markdown file to pdf with Pandoc

Show word count with Pandoc and a lua script

Show paragraph count on pdf document compiled with Pandoc

Rename multiple files from the command line with rename.ul

Copy, move or delete recently modified or downloaded files with find

Find files or directories from the command-line with find

You don’t need a new app to run a tagging system on your files: use the programme grep

Replace all occurences of a word in one or many files from the command line with sed

Aspell: Spellcheck a file in the shell (terminal

Compare files, “accept/reject” (like in Word) and merge changes, with diff and patch

.vimrc file of a writer (not a programmer)

Show word count of a text file from the command line with wc or pandoc & lua

A vim script to mark folds on Markdown headers by default

Change vim color scheme

A guide to simple and stupid usage of computers for writers (anyone who writes really)

Start using vim

Start using (the programme) “less” to display files

Start using Markdown

Start using Pandoc

Start using git to keep track of file versioning

Set Vim as the default text editor for Mutt

Show word count in vim

Start using the command-line interface (cli)

Justify or right-align text in Markdown using HTML

Remove file id extension from file name when downloading with youtube-dl

Download mp3 audio track only (no video) from YouTube with youtube-dl

Copy the content of a file to the clipboard from the command line with xclip

GPG: Change the expiration date (time) of a GPG subkey

Download mp3 files from a webpage with wget

Show the time of other time zones from the command line

Restore your data from backup with the programme Back in Time

Back up your computer (/home) on an external drive with the programme Back in Time

Switch from nano to vim as default editor in the shell

Make Pandoc file conversion faster

Git asks for password each time I “git push”. Solution: caching credentials with git

Convert an HTML webpage into an EPUB file with Pandoc

Follow a YouTube channel with RSS (without a Google/YouTube account)

A roadmap to reclaiming my attention and time

Follow websites or blogs you like with a RSS reader

Git: Add a forgotten file to the last commit

Git: Edit the message of the last commit

Git: Add newly made modifications to the last commit

Por qué he pedido a mis amigos que dejen de usar WhatsApp y Telegram

Neden arkadaşlarıma WhatsApp ve Telegram’ı kullanmayı bırakmaları gerektiğini söyledim

Por que eu falei para meus amigos pararem de usar WhatsApp e Telegram.

Why I told my friends to stop using WhatsApp and Telegram

Warum ich meinen Freunden gesagt habe, sie sollen WhatsApp und Telegram nicht mehr benutzen

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GPG fingerprint: 2E0F FB60 7FEF 11D0 FB45 4DDC E979 E52A 7036 7A88