June 18, 2024

Set up msmtp to queue sent emails offline

To set up msmtpq I followed /usr/share/doc/msmtp/examples/msmtpq/README.msmtpq and the short section on msmtpq of a blog post titled A simple mail transfer agent.

Below I describe the steps I took.

Copy the following files:

sudo cp /usr/share/doc/msmtp/examples/msmtpq/msmtpq /usr/local/bin/
sudo cp /usr/share/doc/msmtp/examples/msmtpq/msmtp-queue /usr/local/bin/

Update the following line in .muttrc:

set sendmail ="/usr/local/bin/msmtpq" 

Add the following line in .muttrc:

set sendmail_wait = -1


$ mkdir .msmtp/mailqueue/msmtpq 
$ touch .msmtp/mailqueue/msmtpq
$ echo > .msmtp/mailqueue/msmtpq << EOF

You might need to update file permissions, check A simple mail transfer.

In /usr/local/bin/msmtpq update:




To test msmtpq, disconnect from the internet and send an email. Mutt should print Mail sent on the prompt, at the bottom.

To check that the email was queued, run:

$ msmtp-queue

The terminal should print something like:

  mail  num=[ 1 ]  id=[ 2024-06-13-18.11.00 ]
From: JD <j@d.com>
To: j@d.com
Subject: test msmtpq


In ~/.bash_aliases I added:

alias queue='msmtp-queue'

I can pass the option msmtp-queue offers to the alias fine e.g. queue -h.


I do self-funded research and I'm writing a book.

> What's the book about?

About technologies and agency.

Meaning, technologies can foster agency. No doubt. But I am also asking:

Can usage of technologies give us a sense of empowerment while in fact undermining our abilities?

I posted a summary of the prologue on the homepage: https://yctct.com/


personal computing command-line interface (cli) gnu linux trisquel shell literacy office applications wiki msmtp mutt

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