June 21, 2024

Create a YAML template with variables to pass when compiling a pdf with Pandoc

Instead of passing all variables on the command line, for example :

$ pandoc -o file.pdf --pdf-engine=xelatex file.md --trace -V geometry:margin=1in -V documentclass=article -V fontsize=12pt -V linestretch=1.25 

You can create a YAML file metadata.yaml with all the variables, for example:

- margin=1in 
documentclass: article 
fontsize: 12pt 
linestretch: 1.25 

and pass metadata.yaml when you convert, say, Markdown to a pdf, for example:

$ pandoc -o file.pdf --pdf-engine=xelatex file.md --trace metadata.yaml 

See also:


I do self-funded research and I'm writing a book.

> What's the book about?

About technologies and agency.

Meaning, technologies can foster agency. No doubt. But I am also asking:

Can usage of technologies give us a sense of empowerment while in fact undermining our abilities?

I posted a summary of the prologue on the homepage: https://yctct.com/


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