September 24, 2023

Set up a VPS with Trisquel GNU/Linux NetInstall

These are my notes from when I set up a VPS with Trisquel GNU/Linux NetInstall.

I picked a VPS (Virtual Private Server) plan with a small owner-operated provider.

I pick the lower offer. It costs 5$ per month. The VPS offers 1024MB of RAM, 1 CPU and a disk space of 25GB.

I did not select the default operating system the VPS provider offers. All e.g. Debian, Ubuntu, etc includes non-free blobs1.

I uploaded my own ISO image of Trisquel GNU/Linux NetInstall which you can download there: Verify the ISO image: If you struggle to verify the ISO image, let me know:

Note: some providers might offer to upload the ISO image for you, in that case you can’t verify the file.

Once uploaded, I selected the ISO image on the interface of the VPS provider.

The install process of Trisquel GNU/Linux NetInstall started on the console of the VPS provider, in the browser.

The steps I followed:

  1. Select Install (the first line)
  2. Select language used for the install
  3. Select country
  4. Select country for keyboard layout
  5. Select keyboard layout (Canada Intl)
  6. Configure network” might fail, you have to do step by step manually. To do so:
  7. Type IP address - provided by the VPS provider
  8. Type netmask - idem
  9. Type gateway - idem
  10. Type nameservers - idem
  11. Type hostname i.e. the name of your VPS - idem
  12. Type the domain name of VPS provider - idem
  13. Select a mirror
  14. My network is not behind a proxy then type your proxy information. Hit enter
  15. Type admin pseudo/name
  16. Type username
  17. Type passphrase
  18. Select the type of partition - choose Guided - entire disk2
  19. Select disk
  20. Select partition scheme
  21. Select Yes
  22. Select the size of partition - as suggested by the interface
  23. Select Finish… to confirm partition
  24. Select Yes
  25. Select software: I used Trisquel Console Environment
  26. Select Yes; I choosed to install GRUB on dev/vda

The install should be completed.

Unmount the ISO image so you can restart the VPS and be prompted with Trisquel’s interface.

Enter username and password.

You should see this:

Welcome to Trisquel GNU/Linux 11.0, Aramo (GNU/Linux 5.15.0-84-generic x86_64)
   ___        ___               ___        ___       ___        ___        ___
  /\  \      /\  \      ___    /\  \      /\  \     /\__\      /\  \      /\__\
  \ \  \    /  \  \    /\  \  /  \  \    /  \  \   / /  /     /  \  \    / /  /
   \ \  \  / /\ \  \   \ \  \/ /\ \  \  / /\ \  \ / /  /     / /\ \  \  / /  /
   /  \  \/  \ \ \  \  /  \__\ \ \ \  \/ /  \ \  \ /  /  ___/  \ \ \  \/ /  /
  / /\ \__\/\ \ \ \__\/ /\/__/\ \ \ \__\/__/ \ \__\__/  /\__\/\ \ \ \__\/__/
 / /  \/__/_|  \/ /  / /  /\ \ \ \ \/__/\  \ / /  /  \ / /  /\ \ \ \/__/\  \
/ /  /      | |  /  / /__/  \ \ \ \__\ \ \/\/ /  / \  / /  /\ \ \ \__\ \ \  \
\/__/       | |\/__/\ \__\   \ \/ /  /  \    /  / \ \/ /  /  \ \ \/__/  \ \  \
            | |  |   \/__/    \  /  /    \  /  /   \  /  /    \ \__\     \ \__\
             \|__|             \/__/      \/__/     \/__/      \/__/      \/__/

Support forum:


$ sudo -i # to switch to root
# apt update
# apt upgrade


Cap lock is reversed sometimes somehow. I have not figured why.

Now we want to set up a SSH connection so we can connect to the VPS from our local machine without passwords.

Feedback and questions welcome.

What’s Trisquel GNU/Linux?

Trisquel is a GNU/Linux distribution that contains only free software. Trisquel GNU/Linux is derived from Ubuntu. It uses a version of Ubuntu’s modified kernel, with the non-free code removed3.

The website has a tutorial which you can use a reference It is outdated though.


  2. To learn about LVM:↩︎

  3. source: Wikiless↩︎

personal computing command-line interface (cli) gnu linux trisquel shell literacy office applications wiki ssh hosting publishing

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