July 13, 2023

Increase the font size of a pdf document compiled with Pandoc

To increase the font size when converting a Markdown file to a pdf with Pandoc add the option -V to specify a custome template, then set the variable documentclass to article, then -V again, and finally set the variable fontsize to 12pt, for example. So the command you run would be, for example:

$ pandoc -o file.pdf file.md -V documentclass=article -V fontsize=12pt 

OR add this to the top of your document:

documentclass: extarticle
fontsize: 14pt
pagestyle: empty

I read on the web that possible sizes are 8pt, 9pt, 10pt, 11pt, 12pt, 14pt, 17pt, 20pt.

Check out $ man pandoc to see other possible document class.

command-line interface (cli) personal computing pandoc trisquel GNU linux text processing office applications wiki

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