Reading path from past to present
Most people publish anachronic (non-chronological) list of books.
However, I find most interesting to know which path people took to reach their present readings.
Below is a chronological list of books which I remember I read or that are memorable to me, from past to present. I stalled reading a few, still they marked this path.
Post-scriptum: I’d like to read more fictions and non-male author. If you have a title in mind, please email it to me:
- Sempé-Goscinny: Le Petit Nicolas, 1960 (stalled?)
- Pagnol, Marcel: La Gloire de mon Père, 1957 (stalled?)
- Pagnol, Marcel: Le Château de ma Mère (stalled?)
- de Saint-Exupéry, Antoine: Le Petit Prince, 1943
- Camus, Albert: L’Étranger, 1942 (stalled)
- Houllebecq, Michel: Plateforme, 2001
- Ambrose, Stephen E.: Band of Brothers, 1992
- Kerouac, Jack: On the Road, 1957 (stalled)
- Kundera, Milan: The Unbearable Lightness of Being, 1984 (stalled?)
- Beigbeder, Frédéric: Un Roman Français, 2009
- Dostoyevsky, Fiodor (Фёдор Михайлович Достоевский): Crime and Punishment (Преступление и наказание), 1866 (stalled)
- Gary, Romain: La Promesse de l’Aube, 1960
- Shiller, Robert J.: Irrational Exuberance, 2000
- Heilbroner, Robert: The Worldly Philosophers, 1953 (stalled)
- Hemingway, Ernest: The Old Man and the Sea, 1952
- Steinbeck, John: Mice and Men, 1937
- Thoreau, Henry David: Walden, 1854 (stalled)
- Conrad, Joseph (do not remember which book; stalled)
- Six Thinking Hats, Edward de Bono, 1985
- Koren, Leonard: Wasi-Sabi, 1994
- Graham, Benjamin: The Intelligent Investor, 1949
- Labro, Philippe: L’Étudiant étranger, 1986
- Capote, Truman: In Cold Blood, 1966
- Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly Robert (Csíkszentmihályi Mihály Róbert): Flow, 1990
- Graham, Paul: Hackers and Painters, 2004
- Flaubert, Gustave: Madame Bovary, 1857
- Gide, André: La Porte étroite, 1909
- Demick, Barbara: Nothing to Envy, 2010
- Alinsky, Saul: Rules for Radicals, 1971
- le Carré, John: The Spy Who Came in from the Cold, 1963
- Despentes, Virginie: King Kong Theorie, 2007
- Onfray, Michel: Cosmos, 2015 (post; stalled)
- Kessel, Joseph: Hong Kong et Macao, 1957
- Orwell, George: Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984), 1949 (stalled)
- Seneca: Epistulae Morales ad Lucilium (Letters from a Stoic), c. 65 AD, french translation
- Finnegan, William: Barbarian Days, 2015 (post)
- Adams, Scott: How To Fail At Everything And Still Win Big, 2013 (post)
- Frankl, Viktor : Man’s Search for Meaning, 1946 (post)
- Jetha, Cacilda & Ryan Christopher: Sex at Dawn, 2011
- Nichols, Peter: A Voyage For Madmen, 2002 (post)
- Moitissier, Bernard: La Longue Route, 1971
- Voss, Chris: Never Split The Difference, 2016 (post)
- Ishiguro, Kazuo: The Remains of the Day (post)
- Higashino, Keigo (東野 圭吾): Journey Under the Midnight Sun (白夜行, Byakuyakō), 1997-1999 (post)
- Barlow, John Perry: Declaration of Independence of Cyberspace, 1996
- Romanès, Alexandre: Un Peuple de Promeneur, 2011 (post)
- Orwell, George: Animal Farm, 1945
- Orwell, George: Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984), 1949
- Zuboff, Shoshana: The Age of Surveillance Capitalism, 2019
- Morozov, Evgeny: Click Here to Save Everything, 2014
- Stiegler, Bernard: Aimer, s’aimer, nous aimer. Du 11 septembre au 21 avril, 2003
- Stiegler, Bernard: Dans la disruption. Comment ne pas devenir fou?, 2016
- Turkle, Sherry: Alone Together, 2011
- Baldwin, James: Giovanni’s Room, 1956
- Foucault, Michel: Surveiller et Punir, 1975
- Zamyatin, Yevgeny (Евге́ний Ива́нович Замя́тин): Мы, 1920–1921, french translation Nous
- Stiegler, Bernard: La Société Automatique I, L’avenir du travail, 2015
- Storr, Anthony: Solitude, 1988
- Laborit, Henri: Éloge de la Fuite, 1976
- Postman, Neil: Amusing Ourselves to Death, 1985
- Postman, Neil: Technopoly, 1992
- Durand, Cédric: Technoféodalisme, 2020
- Yutang, Lin (林語堂): The Importance of Living, 1937
- Partridge, Eric: Origins, A Short Etymological Dictionary of Modern English, 1958
- Smith, Patti: Just Kids, 2010
- Huxley, Aldous: Brave New World, 1932
- Schopenhauer, Arthur: Die Kunst, Recht zu Behalten, 1830-1831, french translation
- Machiavelli, Niccolò: De Principatibus, 1532 (stalled), french translation
- Badinter, Robert: Idiss, 2018
- de Saint-Exupéry, Antoine: Le Petit Prince, 1943
- Winnicott, D.W.: Playing and Reality, 1971 (stalled)
- Aries, Duby, Veyne: Histoire de la vie privée, Vol. I, De l’empire romain à l’an mil, 1985 (reading in progress)
- Hawking, Stephen: A Brief History of Time, 1988
- Durant, Will: The Story of Philosophy, 1926
- Galuzzo, Anthony: La Fabrique du Consommateur, 2020
- Lessig, Lawrence: Code v2, 2005
- Lessig, Lawrence: Free Culture, 2004
- Huntington, Samuel P.: The Clash of Civilizations, 1996
- Drew, Neil: Practical Vim, 2015
- Levy, Steven: Hackers, 1984
- Shotts, William: The Linux Command Line, 2019
- Mishra, Pankij: Age of Anger, 2017
- Durant, Will: The Complete Story of Civilization, 1935-1975 (reading in progress)
- Hesse, Hermann: Die Kunst des Müßiggangs
- Hesse, Hermann: Steppenwolf, 1927 (stalled)
- Durant, Will: The Lessons of History, 1968
- de Montaigne, Michel: Essais, 1588 (with parsimony, occasionally)
- Storr, Anthony: The Music and The Mind, 1993 (stalled)
- Funder, Anna: Stasiland, 2003
- Stallman, Richard: Free Software, Free Society, 2015
- Taleb, Nassim Nicholas (نسيم نقولا طالب): Antifragile, 2012
- Hammurabi, The Code of Hammurabi, c. 1755–1750 BC
- Schrödinger, Erwin: What is Life?, 1967
- Mill, John Stuart: On Liberty, 1859 (stalled)
- Chacon & Straub: Pro Git, 2014
- Multiple authors, Introduction to the Command Line, 2011
- Multiple authors, The GNU Privacy Handbook, 2001
- Taleb, Nassim Nicholas (نسيم نقولا طالب): Fooled by Randomness, 2001
- Arendt, Hannah: Eichmann in Jerusalem, 1963
- Kant, Immanuel: Beantwortung der Frage: Was ist Aufklärung?, 1784
- de la Boétie, Étienne: Discours de la Servitude Volontaire, 1577
- Taleb, Nassim Nicholas (نسيم نقولا طالب): Skin in the Game, 2018
- Blackburn, Simon: Think, 1999 (stalled but I consult it now and then)
- Lamport, Leslie: LaTeX: A Document Preparation System, 1986
- Plato: Phaedrus, c. 370 BC
- Derrida, Jacques: La Pharmacie de Platon, 1969
- Camus, Albert: L’Étranger, 1942
- Petzold, Charles: Code, 1999, second edition, 2023 (reading in progress)
- Giraud, Gael: Composer un Monde en Commun, 202x (reading in progress)
- Camus, Albert: La Peste, 1947 (reading in progress)
- Buzatti, Dino: Il deserto der Tartari, 1963 (french transation)
- Alombert, Anne: Schizophérnie Numérique, 2023
- Galuzzo, Anthony: Le Mythe de L’Entrepreneur, 2022
- Raymond, Eric S.: The Cathedral & the Bazaar, 1999, 2001 revised edition
- Schneider, Nathan: Everything for Everyone, 2018
- Smith, Jane S.: The Garden of Invention, 2009
- Hemingway, Ernest: Der alter Mann und das Meer, 1952, 1975 translation (to learn german)
- Ullman, Ellen: Close to the Machine, 1997