On this website, you will find:

  • wikis about shell literacy; these are just my own wiki files where I document what I learn, so I can go back to it when needed1
  • blog posts about digital literacy. That is the topic of my research, roughly. I am also writing a first book and setting up a publishing house to distribute my research freely2.

I finance this research doing this, and very very occasionally working as a skipper.

You can subscribe to receive updates via RSS, or via twtxt, where I document my move away from digital glebes since 2016.

Contact: https://yctct.com/contact.

  1. Using cat locally.↩︎

  2. That is different from gratis; see https://yctct.com/free↩︎

No affiliate links, no analytics, no tracking, no cookies. This work © 2016-2024 by yctct is licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0 .   about me   contact me   all entries & tags   FAQ   GPG public key

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